2021 In Monochrome

Monochromatic highlights from 2021.

I met these beautiful naked trees in foggy weather. They are normally pretty but amazing in fog.

January 2021

The local King Christian X bridge is one I have visited many times over the years. This time I revisited it in foggy weather with a composition I did several years ago for the first time.

March 2021

God rays in July. These never get old.

July 2021

An impressive cloud cover moved over the city and using a 14mm wide angle lens I captured this image which reminds me of a phoenix.

August 2021

Visiting the greek island of Corfu for the first time was also a photographic highlight of the year. Corfu has a lot to offer but this 1-hour impressive front had the perfect timing.

Storm over Corfu
September 2021

Back home in Denmark, a trip to the west coast is always a great experience.

Tearing Wind
November 2021